HealthIMPACT Southwest recap: CIOs think dashboards need significant improvement

I chair the HealthIMPACT series of events that is held in a variety of cities throughout the year. HealthIMPACT is a no-nonsense and “No BS” local one-day event for busy health IT professionals that pretty much know what they’re doing but are looking to learn from their peers (instead of professional presenters). We don’t try to add further hype to common trends everyone’s already seen many times or explain the obvious to make ourselves look smart; we explain the implications of trends to your daily work, figure out how to operationalize innovations, and provide actionable advice so that you can do your job better.

Health IT for large systems, hospitals, and traditional physician practices is well underway. Enough so that innovators/startups, are starting to see consolidation and heavy competition. As I look around at new areas for health IT implementations, I think areas in medical travel or medical tourism (“MT”) appear to be great opportunities. A potent mix of the Internet, cloud computing and globalized medicine — when combined — should drive medical travel. I’ll be speaking at the Medical Travel and Global Healthcare Business Summit in Tampa Florida.

I’ll be at #HIMSS15 in Chicago this week and am preparing for the onslaught of the term “patient engagement”. It’s both overused and ill-defined which means it’s almost meaningless as a category of technology or approaches. It’s also multi-faceted which means a definition is not going to be forthcoming soon; so, I’m not going to try. As I go through the educational sessions and exhibits looking at patient engagement solutions, I’m going to be trying to figure out how to categorize them.

As healthcare moves from on-premise to cloud services, the evaluation and selection of “HIPAA compliant” cloud service providers becomes an import task. I don’t like the description “HIPAA compliant” because it’s imprecise and not meaningful. However, it’s something that many non-technical people look for when evaluating providers so I’m using it here. My friend Alex Ginzburg, VP of Technology at Intervention Insights, and I have done this kind of healthcare cloud services providers evaluation and selection many times so it was natural for me to reach out and ask him to provide some guidance for the community.

The latest ‘doc fix’ bill, H.R. 1470, was introduced last week. Though it has quite a ways to go before it’s sent to conference or passed, the bill has some pretty nice language for telemedicine and care coordination enthusiasts. Though it’s probably less than I would like, Section 4 (Encouraging Care Management for Individuals with Chronic Care Needs) is a great start. The telehealth language is pretty general but I like how it is making sure that telemedicine isn’t precluded from being reimbursed.

Social selling of Medical Devices is something we don’t talk enough about because it’s hard. That’s going to change soon. You’re probably aware that John Lynn and I are co-chairing the exciting 2nd iteration of the Healthcare IT Marketing & PR Conference (“HITMC”) in May. What you’re probably not aware of is that we’re expanding the audience and sessions to include non-traditional healthcare IT participants — specifically medical device manufacturers. I believe that the distinction of health IT or digital health marketing vs.

Last week I wrote about how federated groups of investors help de-risk innovations in the Venture Development Lifecycle (VDLC). Yesterday I elaborated on how entrepreneurs can understand risk through various funding cycles. One of the most important investors we didn’t talk about in the VDLC was the strategic investor (what I like to call the mission-driven investor) . Mission-driven strategics view risk differently and entrepreneurs should create investor journey maps to take them into account.

Much has been made of the push to better engage patients, but little has been spent on examining exactly what patients want. Despite the requirements set by the EHR Incentive Program, simply deploying a patient portal isn’t enough to engender real, sustainable engagement. Recently TechnologyAdvice surveyed 409 adult Americans about their digital health services preferences. I really like the surveys they run so I reached out to Zach Watson, the healthcare IT content manager at TechnologyAdvice, to see what health providers, entrepreneurs, and innovators could learn from the results.

I have the pleasure of meeting or speaking with many digital health, health IT, medTech, and life sciences (especially genomics and bioinformatics) startups every week. As a serial entrepreneur and angel investor myself I know how hard it is these days to get to product/market fit while working with top-notch investors who understand how to help scale a business. Last week I wrote about how strategically integrated investors help de-risk innovations and I got some great questions via e-mail about how cofounders and startups should go about seeking such investors.

Our next HealthIMPACT CIO Summit will take place next Friday, February 27th, 2015**,** at the Union League Club in New York. Our conversation kicks off in the morning with Ed Marx, SVP & CIO at Texas Health Resources and 2014 IW Healthcare CIO of the Year, and Michael Restuccia, VP & CIO at University of Pennsylvania Health System. I will be interviewing Ed and Michael together on stage and we’ll focus on how to establish a process that will embed successful innovation into the culture of an organization.

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