Increased mortality reported after CPOE implementation
Scary article of the week: Increased Mortality after CPOE Implementation. It concluded the following:
We have observed an unexpected increase in mortality coincident with CPOE implementation. Although CPOE technology holds great promise as a tool to reduce human error during health care delivery, our unanticipated finding suggests that when implementing CPOE systems, institutions should continue to evaluate mortality effects, in addition to medication error rates, for children who are dependent on time-sensitive therapies.
Tim wrote a <a href=“http://histalk.blog-city.com/does_cerner_millennium_kill_children_i_dont_think_so.htm”">thoughtful followup at HISTalk that puts to question many facets of the study that was cited in the article.
Shahid N. Shah
Shahid Shah is an internationally recognized enterprise software guru that specializes in digital health with an emphasis on e-health, EHR/EMR, big data, iOT, data interoperability, med device connectivity, and bioinformatics.